Mr Keat Ooi Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon


8 min read

Daily Habits of a Spine Surgeon: Simple Changes for Lasting Health

By Keat Ooi, Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon

June 2024

In his previous article, spine surgeon Keat Ooi told how making small, consistent changes to his daily routine improved his well-being and inspired those around him to do the same.

In this article, he shares this routine, which you can use as inspiration for your very own weight loss journey!

My Daily Diet


Boiled eggs or canned fish with black coffee

You will notice an emphasis on protein over carbs in the morning. I also avoid milk products in my coffee.


Leftovers or avocado with canned tuna.

If you embrace healthy eating for dinner, then you don’t have to worry about having an unhealthy lunch!

I also allow for a larger portion to get me through the day.


Focus on protein and greens, minimal carbs, and early dining times.

Other Tips

  • I do my best to avoid snacking on carbs or sugar before dinner.
  • Aiming for an early dinner helps avoid  the temptation to snack (5 – 6 pm is perfect)
  • Minimise carbs, Maximise protein and green vegetables
  • Quantity: fist sized
  • I’ll have a Camomile tea occasionally after dinner
  • Fruits: preferably seasonal and not in excessive quantity

Have nothing after dinner to allow for extended fasting time. More on this under fasting.

Of course, I do have my vices – I love chocolate, ice cream and alcohol. But once you limit the intake, your body no longer craves it as much. Everyone is allowed cheat days, just be disciplined about it.

Some Notes About Fasting

  • Fasting does not mean starving!
  • Overnight is the logical place to fast.
  • I aim for 10-12 hours. That might sound like a lot, but it just takes a bit of practice. I finish my meals around 7 p.m. and avoid snacks in the evening until I wake up the next morning. See my routine below.
  • No need to go wild at first. Test yourself for as long as you can without snacking between meals. See it as a challenge! Try for 4 hours. Then 6, and so on. It’s okay if you stumble here and there.
  • Train your mind to embrace the fact that a little bit of hunger is ok.
  • First meal after a fast: Always line your stomach with protein and a glass of water.
  • Never put carbs or sugar as the first thing into your mouth after a fast.

How I do it -My Personal Routine

Here is a practical example of how I do it, which you can follow and adapt to your lifestyle.

  • 5-5.30 am, wake up
  • 30-45 minutes of “me” time with breakfast, coffee, news reading, and listening to podcasts. (I sometimes exercise in the morning before breakfast to maximise the effects of fasting.)
  • 30 mins of exercise on a bike trainer (My Zwift is a godsend)! I do it in my living room, so worrying about the weather is a thing of the past!
  • Work—I aim to be home by 5-5.30 pm. (Obviously, this varies and is not possible every day.)
  • 5.30 pm dinner with family
  • 7-8 pm family time, video gaming with son, and reading time
  • 9-9.30 pm bedtime

Final Words

I hope I have shown that incorporating healthy living practices into a busy life is possible, with the bonus of positive flow-on effects for a healthy spine. 

Please keep in mind that my healthy living tips are based on my personal experience. It’s always recommended to consult with your GP or dietician for personalised advice.

Together, we can work towards a healthier, happier future by prioritising public health messages and adopting a lifestyle-focused approach!

  1. Andrew Huberman – on the complex balance of reward and motivation.
  2. Peter Attia – is a medical doctor with good knowledge of healthy living.
  3. Robert Lustig -is an expert in the bad effects of sugar.
  4. Gary Fettke -is an absolute legend who punches above his weight from his small town in Tasmania.

Keat Ooi is a practicing spine surgeon based in Melbourne, Australia. He has a passion for health education and improving the lives of his patients.


**Disclaimer: I am not a qualified dietitian but a surgeon sharing personal experiences in weight loss and healthy living. Always consult a healthcare professional for tailored advice.**

At Keat Ooi Surgery we provide the most advanced individualised care plan that is based on established guidelines, latest research and technological advancement.